

第9回「アフリカ地域研究パラダイム再編セミナー」を京都大学稲盛財団記念館318号室で12月8日(金)に開催する運びとなりました.今回はエディンバラ大学のHazel Gray講師を迎え、タンザニアとベトナムの産業化における政治経済の比較について講演していただきます.参加費無料,事前の参加予約は必要ありません.奮ってご参加ください.



第9回 アフリカ地域研究パラダイム再編セミナー 






イントロダクション高田 明(京都大学アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)


‘The Comparative Political Economy of Industrialization in Tanzania and Vietnam’.

Hazel Gray(University of Edinburgh)

Abstract: Over the last thirty years, industrialization has surged forward in a range of countries where market and state institutions have differed from the ideal of the ‘developmental state’, as well as from each other. In this talk I will present a comparative political economy of industrialization in Tanzania and Vietnam, examining the legacies of their different socialist experiences for their experiences of economic change under liberalization. Vietnam experienced rapid manufacturing growth and poverty reduction while Tanzania’s path of economic change was characterized by the rise of mining and a much slower pace of poverty reduction. Employing a political settlements approach, I will explain how recent developments within institutional theory can help to illuminate the role of the state in their experiences.


【共催】・ Kyoto University African Study Seminar (KUASS) 


* 講演は英語で行われます.通訳はありません.

* 事前の参加予約は必要ありません.どなたでも自由に参加いただけます.

* 参加費は無料です.