

  • Takada, A. (2013). 文化人類学の考え方: 文化と発達. 日本発達心理学会(編), 田島信元・南徹弘(責任編集), 発達科学ハンドブック1: 発達心理学と隣接領域の理論・方法論. 東京: 新曜社, pp.238-247.
  • Takada, A. (2012). 親密な関係の形成と環境: ナミビア北中部のクン・サンにおける養育者-子ども間相互行為の分析から. 西真如・木村周平・速水洋子(編), 講座 生存基盤論 第3巻, 人間圏の再構築: 熱帯社会の潜在力. 京都: 京都大学学術出版会, pp.23-51.
  • Takada, A. (2012). Pre-verbal infant-caregiver interaction. In A. Duranti, E. Ochs, & B. B. Schieffelin (Eds.), The handbook of language socialization. Oxford: Blackwell (pp.56-80). ほか



【2016/02/11】16th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2016/01/15】15th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2015/12/13】14th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2015/10/09】13th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2014/10/27】12th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2014/09/30】11th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2014/08/08】10th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2014/05/29】9th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2014/02/24】8th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2013/09/27】7th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2013/07/05】6th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2013/04/06】5th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2013/02/15】4th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2012/07/12】3rd Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2012/06/25】2nd Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning

【2012/04/23】1st Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning